Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Ottomanelli Empire

One of the main arteries in western Queens is the 7 train.  At 61st street, you can catch the LIRR and the 7 express.  That part of the neighborhood is made up mainly of Filipino and South American restaurants, bakeries and cafes.  More Thai, Ecuadorian and Mexican fare abounds as you continue into Jackson Heights (74th street-Roosevelt, 82nd street).  It is because of these restaurants that I consider Roosevelt Avenue to be one of the city's best kept secrets.  The Avenue is a culinary tour of Asia and Latin America that one can only find in Queens.

But venture south behind the 61st street 7 train/LIRR station just one block, and you'll find Ottomanelli and Sons butcher shop.  I discovered this little gem when my mom was visiting and asked me if I knew of a good butcher shop.  I had heard of Ottomanelli's and gave her the recommendation.  Off she went, and when I got home from work that day, she told me about the wonders of the shop, and Mike, on of the "sons", now the head guy in charge.

I tasted the bacon from the shop, and I was hooked.  Since then, I have had the pleasure of trying Mike's meats, which mom has used to make roasts and Boeuf Bourgignon, his burgers and his chicken patties, which my boyfriend, JA, wholeheartedly enjoys.

The next few times mom visited, I tagged along, and so far, I've spent major bucks in that place, and major time making conversation with Mike, a truly wonderful guy.  And, may I say, quite handsome.

But the best part is the burger joint his brother Frank opened just a block up the street

Last night, Queens Love, a  new blog (which I link to there on your right) started by friends of mine, had their first ever event at Ottomanelli's, in which they got a tour of the shop's "backstage".  Surely a vegetarian's nightmare!  Afterwards, they were treated to a burger party at Frank's burger joint.  Please do go to their FB page and take a look at the photos!

The burgers are divine, especially the caramelized onions - Frank seasons the burger patties himself - and the fries are excellent.  You must visit!!!

Pay no mind to reviews, Yelp or otherwise, that give this place, or the butcher shop, anything less than 4 or 5 stars.  They are whining about perceived lack of service, quality of GrubHub delivery (just ridiculous) or because no one greeted them at the door.  Speaking of Yelp, most reviews are quality, which is why they are included in my list of links.  But some reviewers would do well to concentrate on the food and not so much on the service or anything else.  It's the food that makes a restaurant what it is.  Service is important too, but the reality is that a lot of folks would gladly be flogged for a good piece of steak, if you get my meaning.

Ottomanelli and Sons Prime Meat Shop and Wild Game
61-05 Woodside Avenue
Woodside, NY.

F. Ottomanelli Burgers and Belgian Fries
60-15 Woodside Avenue
Woodside, NY.

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