Monday, June 25, 2012

Time for summer CSAs

Last summer, my friend JR signed us up for Hellgate CSA, and this summer, we got in.  We've been receiving fresh fruits and veggies for 4 weeks tomorrow.

Although we bitch that portions are small, JA and I are in fact getting more veggies than we know what to do with, and some of them, we've never heard of before or hardly ever see.

Take, for instance, the mizuna greens we got a couple of weeks ago.  It is included in most salads of field greens, but it is often overshadowed by radicchio, endive and the like.  I wilted it, as I would with kale or spinach, with sesame oil, salt and pepper, and it came out really tasty.  A tad spicy.  Definitely worthy of a section of plate all by itself.

Another example are the Jerusalem artichokes we got last week.  They were listed as Sunchokes by the CSA. Unfortunately, we didn't know what do with them or how exactly to store them (suggestions welcome), and they started to sprout green shoots, which to me is a no go (I may have been wrong, in which case I apologize to the sunchokes as I threw them out yesterday).  Update: my friend YS says "Store in a cool, dry place, or keep them in the crisper drawer of a refrigerator, wrapped in a paper towel to absorb excess moisture."  Also keep them in a dimly lit spot."

We've also gotten a lot of lettuce (every week), so I've looked up some lettuce recipes, aside from the obvious salad (though salad recipes are unavoidable).  I've listed some below.

We also got leeks a couple of weeks ago, and I think JA and I stared at it for so long, as neither of us has ever cooked with leeks, that they still rest in the refrigerator.  So I looked up an easy peasy lemon squeezy recipe and found two that I like, also posted below.  I think I will kill two birds with one stone and make the kale and leeks with chickpeas (we got kale two weeks ago, and its time is running out!).

The one problem I have with this CSA is that we haven't gotten a lot of fruit, and the little that we do is not that good quality.  Our first fruit share was strawberries.  We got less than half of your regular supermarket carton (once we split with JR), and they were not so tasty.  JA ended up making strawberry fudge with them, since we had tons of Ikea chocolate.  Last week, we were promised cherries and apples, but we just got the apples.  A lot of them, to be fair.  I'm going to make an apple cake with a few tonight or tomorrow, and I'm sure JA will make a pie.  Maybe I should also google non-baked-good apple recipes......

We'll get fresh fruits and veggies into the fall, so after I did the math, I figured a total of $7 $20 $15/week (I found out there were additional payments to be made...ugh) for my share of fruits and veggies.  Not too bad at all, considering everything is fresh, and I trust we will get more fruit as the summer wears on!  If you have a family, are trying to eat healthier, are willing to split with a friend, or have a ravenous bf, CSAs are a great choice!!

Bon Appétit lettuce recipes

Lettuce recipes from "Vegging Out"

What to do with too much lettuce in the garden?

Simmered leeks

Braised kale, chickpeas and leeks

Two of our more uncommon CSA items, Mizuna greens (top) and Sunchokes.

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